We are your one-stop shop for purchasing high-quality automotive diagnostic and testing equipment at a reasonable price.
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Medium Humidifier
| Dimensions: 3” x 2” x 3/4” Thick|
| Maintains 100 Cigars | -
Humidifier Solution
| 50% Propylene Glycol |
| 50% Distilled Water |
| 8 oz. Bottle | -
Humidifier Gel Jar
| Add Water As Needed Every 1-2 Months |
| Maintains 70% Humidity | Refillable Up to 1 Year |
| Single 2 oz. Jar | 2 oz. Jars |
| Hydrating Crystal Gel | Maintains: 75 Cigars per Jar | -
Humidity Beads
| Humidity Crystal Beads |
| Add Water as Needed Every 30-90 Days |
| For Relative Humidity, Use Distilled Water |
| Available in 1/4 lb (4 oz)